Standard School District is now hiring for multiple positions. See the attached flyer for a job fair on July 1, 2024. Then, visit and click on “Employment Opportunities” to apply.
9 months ago, Stacy Nava
Job Fair Flyer
Memorial Day No School
9 months ago, Lisa Calvillo
Memorial Day
Last Day of School, Minimum Day all students K-8
10 months ago, Lisa Calvillo
Minimum Day K-8
Summer Break
10 months ago, Lisa Calvillo
Summer Break
Reminder!! AAA Saturday School is tomorrow. We only have a few left in May after tomorrow. Please be here by 7:45. *Also please be advised that we are now ending at 12:20. (Not Noon) See you there
10 months ago, MICHAEL STRAHAN
AAA Saturday School
The next AAA Saturday School is April 27th. We will begin at 7:45 and end at 12:20. Please note : The end time has been pushed back 20 minutes for the remainder of the year If you have not registered please use the attached QR Code. See you there
10 months ago, MICHAEL STRAHAN
AAA Saturday School
Great News. The students had a great week at camp. They are in route back SMS. Please be at the school by 2:45 pm to pick up your students
10 months ago, MICHAEL STRAHAN
This Saturday April 13th we will hold our next AAA Saturday School. The day starts at 7:45 and ends at noon. We will meet in the SMS MPR. If you are not already registered please use the attached URL to sign up
10 months ago, Standard Athletics
AAA Saturday School
Our next AAA Sat school is this Sat April 13th Start time is 7:45 and end time in 12:00 noon If you have not signed up please use the attached QR code to register
10 months ago, MICHAEL STRAHAN
AAA Saturday School
Dear Standard School District Community: April is Autism Awareness/Acceptance Month. Information from H.E.A.R.T.S. Connection regarding an Autism on the Run event is attached. Registration and contact information are on the flyer.
11 months ago, Stacy Nava
Autism on the Run Flyer
YEARBOOK CLARIFICATION: You can order yearbooks, yearbook ads, and love lines at the previously mentioned website, but your student can also order a yearbook at the student window for $25 CASH ONLY, even past the website closure on March 31st."
11 months ago, MICHAEL STRAHAN
This is the last week to preorder yearbooks for $25, purchase Love Lines for $20, and purchase ads for the yearbook! Follow this link and use our school code! Deadline to purchase is March 31st! - Enter School Code: 181366M
11 months ago, MICHAEL STRAHAN
Minimum Day K-8
11 months ago, Lisa Calvillo
Minimum Day
Reminder our next AAA Saturday school is tomorrow March 16th form 7:45 am - noon. See you there
11 months ago, MICHAEL STRAHAN
AAA Saturday School
This Saturday March 16th is our next AAA Saturday School. If you are already signed please show up at 7:45 am at the MPR If you need to sign up please use the QR CODE attached The duration is 7:45 am - 12:00 noon
11 months ago, MICHAEL STRAHAN
AAA Saturday School
This Saturday March 16th is our next AAA Saturday School. If you are already signed please show up at 7:45 am at the MPR If you need to sign up please use the QR CODE attached The duration is 7:45 am - 12:00 noon
11 months ago, MICHAEL STRAHAN
AAA Saturday School
Non Attendance Day
11 months ago, Lisa Calvillo
Non Attendance Day
Spring Break
11 months ago, Lisa Calvillo
Spring Break
You can preorder yearbooks for $25, purchase Love Lines for $20, and even purchase ads for the yearbook all by following this link and using our school code! Deadline to purchase is March 31st! - Enter School Code: 181366M
11 months ago, MICHAEL STRAHAN
Reminder. AAA Saturday school is tomorrow at 7:45am
12 months ago, MICHAEL STRAHAN
AAA Saturday School