Spring Break is April 1st through April 9th. All Standard schools will have a minimum day on Friday, March 31st, and school returns on Tuesday, April 10th. Enjoy the break and we will see you in April!

Track Season begins Monday March 6th at Standard Middle School. All four schools will practice at the Middle school. Start time is 3:30 until 4:45
As a reminder parents are responsible for transporting students to the middle school. No transportation is provided for track

We are MARCH-ing into spring! Happy March from Standard!

This Monday, February 20th, schools will be closed in honor of Presidents' Day. Enjoy the long weekend!

This Monday, February 13th, there is no school in honor of President Lincoln's Birthday. Enjoy the 3-day weekend!

Let's cheer - February is here! Who do you Love? Standard Loves our Students!

All Standard Schools will be closed Monday, January 16th in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. "I have a dream..."

Happy New Year! Hooray for 2023!

The Standard School District will be on Winter Break from December 24th - January 8th. Schools will have minimum days on Dec. 23rd, and return to school on Monday, January 9th. Happy Holidays! #BecauseKids

December is here! Where is our snow? Wishing everyone a wonderful winter season!

Parent safety Meeting. Sponsored by Standard School District and California School Resources Officers' Association. This Training is for Standard Middle School and Standard Elementary School. Wingland Elementary School and Highland Elementary School trainings will be offered in December

Happy November to the Standard Community of Students, Families, and School Staff!

Congratulations to the Standard Middle Warrior Volleyball Teams for great games on Monday 10/17! 6th and 7th grade defeated Jacobson Middle School from Tehachapi, and 8th grade played a hard-fought game! #SSDAtheltics #WarriorPride photo credits: Mr. Copolla

Volleyball in the Standard School District is in full force! Standard Stars are shining brightly with power plays! #SESStars #SSDAthletics

Volleyball in the Standard School District is in full force! Wingland Wildcats are pouncing on the competition! #WESWildcats #SSDAthletics

Volleyball in the Standard School District is in full force! Highland Hawks are taking the court by storm and soaring! #HESHawks #SSDAthletics

Parent-Teacher conference week is October 24-28. Mon-Friday conferences from 12:00-3:15pm. Thursday evening from 5:00-7:00pm.
Your child's teacher will send out appointment times.

Today at Standard Middle School, students heard and learned from the Kern County Sheriff Department information on Online Predators and Trafficking. It was very informative for our students to be aware and make safe choices when they are online. #SMSWarriors #BecauseKids

Standard students are enjoying our Fencing Team training and preparing for competition! This program is offered at Standard Middle School afterschool and any interested student is encouraged to join! #BecauseKids #SSDAthletics

Standard students are enthusiastic about participating in our new swim program! Students are transported to Bakersfield College to train and practice for meets. We love our new Standard Swim Team! #BecauseKids #SSDAthletics