Today we had 46 students show up for our week-long volleyball clinic! I'm so happy that we are able to provide this fun activity for our students. #SSDWeCare @StandardWarrior
over 3 years ago, Paul Meyers
Students practicing volleyball drills.
Students practicing volleyball drills.
Students practicing volleyball drills.
Wingland Elementary School is undergoing a facelift! The entire school is will soon have a new exterior paint job. Pictured are the newly painted 5th grade portable classrooms. @WinglandElem #SSDWeCare
over 3 years ago, Paul Meyers
Picture of newly painted portable classrooms.
Picture of newly painted portable classrooms.
Picture of newly painted portable classrooms.
Day 4 of our summer Basketball Clinic, and what a difference a week makes! The kids made incredible growth, had great fun and learned the basic fundamentals of basketball. #SSDWeCare @StandardWarrior
over 3 years ago, Paul Meyers
group photo of participants in basketball clinic
students practicing skills at basketball clinic
students practicing skills at basketball clinic
students practicing skills at basketball clinic
As part of our summer learning program, Standard is providing various field trips that were cancelled last year due to COVID-19. Our 5th grade students really enjoyed their trip to the CA Science Center and Under the Sea IMAX movie yesterday!
over 3 years ago, Paul Meyers
Students at CA Science Center
Day 1 of the July Basketball Clinic at SMS was a huge success. Students had fun and learned the fundamentals of basketball in a cool, air conditioned gym! Free shirts, too!
over 3 years ago, Paul Meyers
Students attending basketball clinic
Coaches giving directions to students at  basketball clinic
Students attending basketball clinic
Camp Standard has been a huge success! Our amazing staff created an afternoon "summer camp" following the morning summer academy. The kids have loved it! Thank you to the staff who helped make camp successful! Check out the video:
over 3 years ago, Paul Meyers
The 2021-2022 school year begins Wednesday, August 18th! School offices will open August 9th for incoming registrations.
over 3 years ago, Standard School District
Aug 18 School Starts 2021
Standard Summer Camp has been a huge success! Today Mr. Conolly lead students and staff in a singalong that was so much fun! I'm so proud of the summer program that the staff created for our students. We all needed this! #SSDWeCare
over 3 years ago, Paul Meyers
students singing at summer school
Mr. Conolly leading singalong
What a treat! The local Girl Scouts donated boxes of their delicious Girl Scout Cookies for our summer school staff and students to enjoy. Thank you Girl Scouts!
over 3 years ago, Paul Meyers
Display of boxes of cookies
Sign up for our BONUS Summer Camps happening in July! Sports clinics and field trips!
over 3 years ago, Jeff Davis
Bonus Summer Program
We love our new Nutrition Van! Thank you @NoKidHungryCA! And kudos to Nutrition Director Tracey Daugherty for applying for the grant. This will help us better serve our students and families! #SSDWeCare #NoKidHungry
over 3 years ago, Paul Meyers
New van wrapped with school logo
New van wrapped with school logo
At the June Board meeting, Supt. Meyers presented Tyler Juengst with a resolution from Kern County Superintendent Dr. Mary Barlow honoring him as the 2021 Kern County Classified Employee of the Year award in the Technical Services category. Congrats Tyler!
over 3 years ago, Paul Meyers
Tyler receiving award plaque
Congratulations to Standard School District Technology Technician Tyler Juengst who was chosen as a Kern County Classified Employee of the Year!
over 3 years ago, Stacy Nava
This week we celebrate Classified School Employees. This past year especially, classified employees have proven to be essential workers serving our schools, staff, and students like never before. Thank you, Classified Employees! 🧰 🚌🧹 🍎 💻📞#SSDWeCare
over 3 years ago, Stacy Nava
May 12 is California Day of the Teacher and National School Nurse Day. Thank a teacher or nurse for educating children and touching lives. #DayoftheTeacher #SND2021 #SSDWeCare
over 3 years ago, Stacy Nava
Standard School District Nutrition Services Director, Tracey Dougherty was presented a trophy from No Kid Hungry in appreciation of the thousands of meals Nutrition Services has provided to children while overcoming the challenges of the pandemic. #Hunger Hero #SSDWeCare
over 3 years ago, Stacy Nava
Photo of Superintendent presenting trophy to Nutrition Director.
May 7 is School Lunch Hero Day, a day to celebrate Nutrition professionals who provide children meals each day and even more heroically this last year throughout the pandemic. Join us in recognizing School Lunch Heroes the week of May 3-7. #StandardCafe #SSDWeCare
over 3 years ago, Stacy Nava
April 27 is School Bus Driver Day. Join us in recognizing school transportation professionals for delivering students safely to school and back home each day. 🚌 #SSDWeCare
over 3 years ago, Stacy Nava
Today begins the soil prep for the play field at Standard El. Soil amendments of gypsum, soil sulfur and compost will be added into the top 8” of soil and then aggressively water to leach the field for two weeks. We’ll soon have a premium, easily-maintained turf play area!
almost 4 years ago, Paul Meyers
Soil amendments being added to play field
Yesterday was a great day! It was wonderful to see students back on campus. We appreciate all of our dedicated staff who put in many, many hours into making sure we had a successful reopening for our students. Thank you staff! #SSDWeCare
almost 4 years ago, Paul Meyers
Clifford stuffed animal outside teacher's classroom door